Resolutions Weakening?

How’s those Resolutions coming along?


We’re all in the same boat, I’ve been on a bit of a slippery slope myself the past week and I’m willing to bet a lot of people’s resolves are weakening.. maybe you’ve already given in and are waiting for January 2015.


Pick yourself up TODAY. Right NOW. Have some porridge for breakfast, or, hey it’s Sunday – cook up a GRILL (not a fry) with brown bread, grilled bacon, poached eggs etc..


Sure, it’s not front cover of healthy magazines but if you’re struggling, this is the start of getting back on course… It’s natural food with good sources of protein, fats and complex carbs.


If you eat in moderation, you’ll be happier and healthier in the long run because you’ll stick to your plan a lot easier than forcing yourself to drink egg whites and eat spinach for breakfast 7 days a week.


Let’s finish this week happy and start next week motivated!


Need any help, comment or PM as always 🙂

Like my Facebook page guys 

– Rachel.