Man lost 37lbs on McDonald’s diet!

Science teacher loses almost 40 pounds on ‘McDonald’s diet’


This proves that you don’t need to torture yourself with regimented, and quite frankly ridiculous, fad diets.  So long as you monitor your macronutrients and your calorie intake,  and you eat natural healthy nutritious foods that  you ENJOY.  That’s the winning formula.


Obviously it’s probably not the best advice to go on a Micky D’s diet, this is merely an experiment to show that you could eat any faddy diet under the sun, no matter how unhealthy it is, and as long as you eat less cals than you burn while ensuring correct intakes of carbs, proteins and fats then you will lose WEIGHT. That’s a cert.  There is no guarantee of FAT loss though, or health or fitness improvements.


How to eat:

1. Figure out your BMR

2. Decide the goal – fat loss, weight loss, muscle gain, sports improvements etc

3. Decide from using 1&2 how much deficit or surplus to eat

4. Choose foods that you enjoy that are also clean, nutrient-dense, natural, wholesome food

5. Ensure to balance your macros – there is ZERO sense in eating zero carb or zero fat diets – your body needs a certain amount of each just to function correctly.

6. Select some decently healthy cheats – ie I love bacon – it may not be thee best thing for me to eat but it stops me going to the chippy instead!

7. Stick to it. Whatever you do. This is thee most important thing.  2 weeks in, you think there’s no difference – there is. Just stick to it. This is a process, a long, slow, painful process. 


Need any tips or guidance on the above or anything else? Comment/PM me.




– Rachel.